Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Love

According to the Oxford dictionary, “love is a very strong feeling of affection towards someone whom you are romantically or sexually attracted”. Somehow, it is true, but the meaning of love must defer from person to person with different reasons and intentions for their own interpretations. Some says, “love is composed of single soul inhabiting the two bodies” and etc..But for me, “love is all about being neutral and understanding with trust and faith avoiding jealousy and envy in relationship”. As, jealousy, anger, attachment and greed are the source of sufferings in which if, a partner has jealous about his/her love, it is as if like a person sharing bed with the poisonous snake. There wouldn’t be any freedom and peace in one’s mind believing that his/her partner may have extra marital affairs and so on. 

 According to my observations, I found many people make love on two grounds; (1) for the continuous relationship with their particular partner in one’s life time with trust and faith. (2) for temporary measure on different intentions and obligations which leads to breakdown of relations in chaos. I have no comments on the first part, because it’s the perfect love which is bound with trust and faith discovered in each other and such love is considered a gift of God.

But in the modern world, the second part of the love that I mentioned above is very much prevailing around the world; no wonder who he/she may be, with speed and easy access to communications in the world, the varieties of relationship develops over the period. In the way, most of the love happenings around are found to be fake and untrue love, love with desirous for lust and money, love with intention to cheat and betrayal of others are the consequences of ill fate love. In my opinion, such love is like powerless vehicle of our mind drags by the painful heart into many thoughts like a transmission of frequency that connects the device and vehicle running on the rough road without proper destinations. Moreover, the person should feel ashamed of committing undesirable and unwholesome actions with another person in the name of love.

It’s really depressing and difficult to note that most of the weaker sections of the society are the victims of ill fate love, because they expect too much from opposite side, when promises in the name of love. At last they are defeated by their loved ones in the emotional state of pain and sufferings.

However, everything has to heal up with the span of time and everything happens with its own reasons, be it love or divorce. But in my opinions, one need to have complete trust and faith in our relationship, being self centered with jealous and envy will leads to emotional sufferings with hatred and ultimate breakdown of relationship. Therefore, I earnestly request my fellow loving partners, please avoid jealousy in love relationships. I have realized that the taming of our minds with love and affections with particular partner is the root cause of ultimate happiness for successful love marriage.

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