Thursday 15 November 2012

Life Away from Home Makes the Home More Greater

Studying is one of the major factors for human life where people around the world suffer for these very reasons. Though it’s hard time to study aboard, leaving their home land but an education is more valuable than hundred kilograms of gold. Similar to this, some people leave their native land because of striving material wealth and money; they go to foreign land. These are the two major reasons why people leave their home land and struggle their life in foreign countries. As being Bhutanese, I realize the natural gifted of blessings in my country when I struggle in foreign country for my studies.

Because in our country, we could breathe fresh air which it has the freshness from the natural flow of our pristine environment and clean surroundings. We have beautiful mountains; called Jomolahri, Masangang, Gangkarpuensum and etc. like fencing around the country side and clean rivers which generates the millions of income for our country. Whereas in other countries, we hardly breathe ordinary air but most of the time, we are left sucking of the polluted air which are produced from big factories.

In our country, we enjoy with our unique culture and tradition that have custom and usage from the time immemorial that we defend ourselves for sovereign country. We have our unique songs, dances, music, architectures and national language that we every Bhutanese are proud of. We have scared and important places like Paro Taktshang, Bumthang Kurje lhakhang, Singye Dzong and many more that has the significance of Buddhist value. But in most of the foreign countries they have lost their traditions and culture, and it’s like a kind of mixture in Indian curry which we called (khichiri).

In our country, we have good system of government, that our constitution has empowered the functions of the constitutional democratic government. The rule of law has been respected by our leaders in separation of powers among the branches of government without any bias. The executive has provided an effective government capable of maintaining of law and order in the country. Similarly, legislature has not crossed the limit of their power in enacting the laws. And judiciary has acted independently in judicial functions without interference of other branches of the government. Therefore it is evident from that above mentioned system that the country is free of corruption. In most of the foreign countries, democracy failed and we witness corruptions and other crimes which lead non availability of good system of government.

In our country, the government equally distributes the budgets for five years development plan in every Districts and Gewogs with transparency and efficiency as a core mandate. The infrastructure development, capacity building, information and communications, health care and education for every citizen, economic boosting through agriculture and other resources are target focus of the plan. And this leads the government in achieving socio economic development and fulfilling of the millennium development goal in the country. Basically, I don’t see these kinds of plans and activities are practiced in other countries and I saw many poverty and hunger related problems in most of the countries which leads wars and destruction among themselves.

Those are some the beauties of our country with blessing from our His Majesty and vision of Gross National Happiness in the country. I realized all those differences during my studies in India because I was missing my country as I being a son of Bhutan. More than this, I missed my family specially my dear son and daughter because they are more close to my heart.

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