Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Journey of My Life over the Intermediate State

What is happening with me? Is it happening miracles or is it my feelings of emotions and sufferings in the state of intermediate state running after my true love to tell you about my emotional moments and sufferings of life without you? The unceasing pain of my broken heart beats goes up till 100 degrees and breaks my body, soul and speech into bloods and forms the particles of tears that rolled down and filled up my face when I hear that you are gone with another man. This unexpected situation in my life was like a nightmare and I didn’t believe in your voice and asked to my friends but they confirmed the fact of real story which proved beyond the reasonable doubt. No matter how the birds fly high up in the sky but its shadow being always on the earth, likewise, no matter where you are and how you are but my love like a printed notes that being crafted on the hard rock is always there for you my sweetest love. 
In the state of complete silence without hearing your voice and without your presence, I feel my life so incomplete like an unstable cloud being swift away by the strong force of wind and like a blind man left in the middle of the ground, I could not find my own way to the proper destinations. I need your guidance and support. I feel the sky above is clear but moon like your face seems covered by the thick cloud and I cannot see your beautiful face any more. Why this ill fate love is happening with me to dump me so innocently in this situation? Oh! God, if you have mercy on me, please help me.

I might have hurt your emotions unintentionally but ever since you came into my life, I have never committed any wrongs but I preserved everything especially for you only. Still you have not believed in me, and gone with another man leaving me behind with the broken heart. But never mind, when the day you will come to realize about my true love and truth, that time you will respect my love and truth for being true and sincere love from the depth of my heart.

Ever since you left me, I tried my level best to console myself and thought one day the pain may heal with the span of time, but the condition gets worse day by day with never ending pain in my heart. Thinking about our togetherness and recollecting all the memories of our good times and bad times leads my imagination wings to fly over the never ending thoughts but every time I could not come to the conclusion. I even think I’m getting mad because I think of you every single moment with love in my heart ever as I promised you many things in the name of our love.

Actually, I am foolish who cries over the spilled milk, but what to do for this unseen powerless vehicle of my mind drags my painful heart into the thoughts like a transmission of frequency that connects the device. Sometimes, I feel myself, that my cognitive conscious is experiencing the real journey over the intermediate state leaving my empty body alive. My mind like a thin feather blowing away by the strong wind and I have no proper place to hold on any more. The pain of your absence is very strong and I can’t bear this anymore. I’m writing this note called “the journey of my life over the intermediate state”, so that you may know my situation because I may not live longer in this world.  

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