Saturday 27 October 2012

The Phayul Phendey Tshokpa

The remote village under Mongar Dzongkhag, Ganglapong is situated about 3 hours walk from the road point. The village is ignorant of modern development and infrastructure, beside safe drinking water, establishment of primary school and health care centre. The access to road and electricity are yet approached but these will be fulfilled once recommend with the political leaders. But the sad thing in the village was, without religious institution to cater the matters related to household rituals and other community rituals to be performed according to our traditions, culture and customs. After thorough discussions amongst the members of this Tshokpa found that most crucial necessary at the moment was to establish the religious institution in the village.  

The young aspirants from the village, comprising of five working members in 2010 was formed with the intention in boosting the funds. Accordingly the terms of reference was drafted to bring the plan under control with professional and transparency policy among the members. This plan was supported by many of the members by cash and kind. As I was also the one of working committee member with the Tshokpa and I had a good time working with my friends.

 In the mean time, we approached His Holiness Kathok Sithu Rinpoche in Boi-Langdrak for the request of a lama for our village. The Rinpoche suggested Lama Chime Tenzin, who was formerly completed his process of meditations and other related Buddhist studies. We accepted Rinpoches kind words and lama Chime Tenzin was formerly appointed for village lama of Ganglapong with Tashi Kadar from His Holiness Kathok Sithu Rinpoche on the auspicious day.

After the ceremony at Boi- Langdrak, we proceed to Ganglapong and we have celebrated the Thri-Nga-Soel in the village with village people. But misfortune to all the member was that we were not able to continue with our plan of constructing new Lhakhang due to some problems occurred with the land transitions.
Still I am very much happy and appreciated with Dasho Karma Tshephel and Lama Chime Tenzin for taking good initiatives on re-construction of our Tshukla-Lhakhang. I wish success in rebuilding of Tshuk-Lhakhang.

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