The World of Expression


Monday 31 March 2014

The Life and Death

Despite taking due care with our daily life, we never know which direction does this fatal death approaches to us but one day or another we have to face by any means. No sentient beings in the world has desire to face such dreadful thing but everyone has to go through it without any choice when time knocks on its turn. The great scholar on death, Sogyal Rinpoche said, “Death is not a tragedy to be feared, but a opportunity for transformation. Death is our greatest teacher. It wakes us up, help us to purify and simplify our lives and sort out our priorities”. So far I observed many people, if they don’t witness the death they never think for the preparation of death but in the mean time we waste the life in the material world.

The question always comes in my mind! Does anybody thinking about the essence of being born on this planet? And does anybody think about this uncertainty of the death? I don’t know about the others but I myself think that I have wasted my precious life without achieving any reasonable and meaningful knowledge about leading good life and facing uncertain death. I saw many people dying during my childhood in my own family and even in neighbor’s houses in my village. When I was five years old, the death without any mercy trapped my caring and loving father leaving me hanging on my mother’s back. There upon, I realized about the death but I wonder why I’m still left in this situation without practicing the dharma seriously. I knew very well that the death has no mercy, whether he/she may be old or young, rich or poor, the powerful death has no time bound when he approaches to the door step. The only thing that we can face the death without any difficulty is to know the true nature of our mind through practicing of dharma in this life.

As we all know that this life is transient like autumn clouds, it is evident that the waves of the clouds are taken away by the force of wind where ever it like and lands up in the places without its destination. Similarly, our parents and relatives are also like visitors to the market place, where they come and go during the existence of this impermanent life. Likewise, how much we endeavor our wealth during our life, it’s impermanent and it’s like dew drops on the tip of grass. In this samsaric world, even our body which has been caring and feeding like a baby has no essence because it’s like bubbles on the surface of the water. One day it has to vanish and turn into ashes or will be buried under the soil, how much we care.

According to Buddhism and Hinduism, the only hope would be the life after death which is proved even by the scientists around the world about the life to be continued after the death. But it is not guaranteed about what kind of beings we would be reborn because it entirely based on present performance of our deeds. As, lord Buddha said, “our present life is the consequences of passed life and our future life would be depend upon the present deeds”. So, let’s hope for the best in our next generation.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Journey of My Life over the Intermediate State

What is happening with me? Is it happening miracles or is it my feelings of emotions and sufferings in the state of intermediate state running after my true love to tell you about my emotional moments and sufferings of life without you? The unceasing pain of my broken heart beats goes up till 100 degrees and breaks my body, soul and speech into bloods and forms the particles of tears that rolled down and filled up my face when I hear that you are gone with another man. This unexpected situation in my life was like a nightmare and I didn’t believe in your voice and asked to my friends but they confirmed the fact of real story which proved beyond the reasonable doubt. No matter how the birds fly high up in the sky but its shadow being always on the earth, likewise, no matter where you are and how you are but my love like a printed notes that being crafted on the hard rock is always there for you my sweetest love. 
In the state of complete silence without hearing your voice and without your presence, I feel my life so incomplete like an unstable cloud being swift away by the strong force of wind and like a blind man left in the middle of the ground, I could not find my own way to the proper destinations. I need your guidance and support. I feel the sky above is clear but moon like your face seems covered by the thick cloud and I cannot see your beautiful face any more. Why this ill fate love is happening with me to dump me so innocently in this situation? Oh! God, if you have mercy on me, please help me.

I might have hurt your emotions unintentionally but ever since you came into my life, I have never committed any wrongs but I preserved everything especially for you only. Still you have not believed in me, and gone with another man leaving me behind with the broken heart. But never mind, when the day you will come to realize about my true love and truth, that time you will respect my love and truth for being true and sincere love from the depth of my heart.

Ever since you left me, I tried my level best to console myself and thought one day the pain may heal with the span of time, but the condition gets worse day by day with never ending pain in my heart. Thinking about our togetherness and recollecting all the memories of our good times and bad times leads my imagination wings to fly over the never ending thoughts but every time I could not come to the conclusion. I even think I’m getting mad because I think of you every single moment with love in my heart ever as I promised you many things in the name of our love.

Actually, I am foolish who cries over the spilled milk, but what to do for this unseen powerless vehicle of my mind drags my painful heart into the thoughts like a transmission of frequency that connects the device. Sometimes, I feel myself, that my cognitive conscious is experiencing the real journey over the intermediate state leaving my empty body alive. My mind like a thin feather blowing away by the strong wind and I have no proper place to hold on any more. The pain of your absence is very strong and I can’t bear this anymore. I’m writing this note called “the journey of my life over the intermediate state”, so that you may know my situation because I may not live longer in this world.  

The Love

According to the Oxford dictionary, “love is a very strong feeling of affection towards someone whom you are romantically or sexually attracted”. Somehow, it is true, but the meaning of love must defer from person to person with different reasons and intentions for their own interpretations. Some says, “love is composed of single soul inhabiting the two bodies” and etc..But for me, “love is all about being neutral and understanding with trust and faith avoiding jealousy and envy in relationship”. As, jealousy, anger, attachment and greed are the source of sufferings in which if, a partner has jealous about his/her love, it is as if like a person sharing bed with the poisonous snake. There wouldn’t be any freedom and peace in one’s mind believing that his/her partner may have extra marital affairs and so on. 

 According to my observations, I found many people make love on two grounds; (1) for the continuous relationship with their particular partner in one’s life time with trust and faith. (2) for temporary measure on different intentions and obligations which leads to breakdown of relations in chaos. I have no comments on the first part, because it’s the perfect love which is bound with trust and faith discovered in each other and such love is considered a gift of God.

But in the modern world, the second part of the love that I mentioned above is very much prevailing around the world; no wonder who he/she may be, with speed and easy access to communications in the world, the varieties of relationship develops over the period. In the way, most of the love happenings around are found to be fake and untrue love, love with desirous for lust and money, love with intention to cheat and betrayal of others are the consequences of ill fate love. In my opinion, such love is like powerless vehicle of our mind drags by the painful heart into many thoughts like a transmission of frequency that connects the device and vehicle running on the rough road without proper destinations. Moreover, the person should feel ashamed of committing undesirable and unwholesome actions with another person in the name of love.

It’s really depressing and difficult to note that most of the weaker sections of the society are the victims of ill fate love, because they expect too much from opposite side, when promises in the name of love. At last they are defeated by their loved ones in the emotional state of pain and sufferings.

However, everything has to heal up with the span of time and everything happens with its own reasons, be it love or divorce. But in my opinions, one need to have complete trust and faith in our relationship, being self centered with jealous and envy will leads to emotional sufferings with hatred and ultimate breakdown of relationship. Therefore, I earnestly request my fellow loving partners, please avoid jealousy in love relationships. I have realized that the taming of our minds with love and affections with particular partner is the root cause of ultimate happiness for successful love marriage.

Friday 27 September 2013

Trip to Shimla, a beautiful place in India

Shimla, the place where I always dreamed to visit in my life after watching of Hindi movie “Three Idiot” is finally successful with the support of my friends from YARROWS, in Shimla. The place not only reminds me of our native land, but it gives the essence of natural beauty that we normally found in Bhutan. The beautiful sunrise and sunset with charming rays formulates our mind with peace and full of satisfaction for the day and hopes for next day to come. The variety of ever green trees and different kinds of flowers that dwell in for animals like monkeys, pandas and deer are found very close to human habitants and other species like birds and insects are found very familiar. We enjoyed the fresh air and breathe taking scenic beauties around the hill-side while we walked around the town and YARROWS Campus.

It is interesting to note some memories on our trip to Shimla as it reminds me all the time and it happens to our group most of the time while we travel around whether it is for the good cause or whatever. I would like to begin with our journey from New Delhi, as planned we went to the Inter State Bus Terminal, ISBT, in Delhi to book our ticket but somehow, we were dragged by few people from the gate to book from their counter. At first instance, we didn’t trust those people, and we left the other ways, again some other people took us to the same counter which we drew the conclusion that it must be only counter for the journey to Shimla which was obviously not.

Actually, it was the luxurious bus as we paid handsome amount in trust and faith. We traveled with the hopes and aspirations that they will reach us to our destination with safe and sound but that was only the hope and their promises. The bus was actually going to some other destination, and it was in the middle of the way, the conductor suddenly asked us to de-board from the bus when we reached the place called Ambala. Though we felt ourselves cheated by those people but we kept our hopes high and booked for another bus which was going to Shimla by Chandigarh.

It was long journey and we had a tough time travelling with local people were packed in the bus with hot and humid summer weather. However, we reached in Shimla by 11:30PM, Indian standard time, where our friends took us to their luxurious guest house in the Campus of YARROWS. Though we were tired, we felt homely in the foreign architectural house for the home of Audit Officers being rendered for learning Lawyers like us. The surroundings are filled with diversely growing flowers in the beautiful dimly lights and pin drop silence around the Campus made our mind refreshed and peace. 

Next day, our friends took us for sight scenes around, and first and foremost, they took us to the Monastery of Nyenmapa founded by H.H. Talung Tsetrul Rimpoche where we were coincided with 10th day of 8th month in our Bhutanese calendar which we considered to be the auspicious day. We made offerings to each and every Lhakhangs and prayed for every sentient being to be free from all kinds of sufferings in this Samsara and accumulate virtue like those of enlightened beings. 

After that our friends took us through the lift over the rock that connects us to the open space shopping malls where we have to walk all the way around. We had delicious lunch in Chinese restaurant. We snapped photos with background of old British style houses, Church, Monastery and natural beauty for our long remembering purposes.     

Though it was short trip, we had a fun and our mind got fully refreshed because in Delhi, we are tired of all those metropolitan culture with sound pollutions, air pollutions, water pollutions and etc. Our trip was successful because of your full support and warmth hospitality, your kindness and great help will always remain in our heart forever, thanking you so much, our dearest friend, Dorji Wangdi and Kinzang Wangchuk from Royal Audit Authority of Bhutan.  

Monday 23 September 2013

Memories of Blessed Rainy Day Celebrated in India, 2013

The Thrue-baap (blessed Rainy day) according to Bhutanese culture and tradition, it is a remarkable and very auspicious day to cherish the bygone monsoon and welcome the beautiful autumn season. According to the astrologers, “all water on the earth is believed to turn holy through the blessings from Buddha Namparnangsay and if we take bath on this day, it is believed that our negative karma with mind and body will be cleansed”.

Back in Bhutan, we the Bhutanese people mark this day with many interesting programmes, starting with special Thukpa (porridge) followed by special tea and lunch but some people go for picnic, some go to monastery and most of the middle age men play archery and young ones play khuru and deygor with dances in beautiful attires. It is also our tradition that wives and other relatives come for cheer up the games with packed lunch and drinks. It is interesting to note that towards the evening we hangout for gatherings with our family, relatives and friends for dinners, drinks and dances.

Away from home, this is my first time celebrating Thrue-baap with my friends in India, and I had many interesting memories as well as some unforgettable memories. We all know that India provides many Bhutanese students to study various courses and in Delhi itself there are more than 100 students studying in various colleges. One week before, our friends from Meerut invited us to celebrate the Thrue-baap at their place together. We accepted their invitation and planned accordingly through phone calls, wechat, whatsapp and other communication facilities.

On 20th September, my friends in Delhi gathered in my place to make preparations and to move from Delhi to Meerut together but in due course of time, we are able to start our journey bit late by 5:30 PM.  Our friends hired two cabs, each carrying 6 passengers, which we believe it is not good number to travel together. Anyhow, we started our journey with full of joy and smiling faces made the journey interesting. We took the way through crowds, crossing numbers of junctions, where full of traffic jams made the journey slow. Moreover, I’m pretty sure that our driver made some blunders as I thought that he took some wrong ways.

Trust me, it is not an exaggeration, we were landed in strange place where I feel both people and the place were totally strange. It was hot, humid, dusty messy and noisy. To me the people I meet was like a Yamraj (the king of death) that we portray during our Tshechu festivals. They were government officials and I knew they were performing their duty but at the same time they were intelligent in robbing through use of wrong powers and wrong interpretations of laws. I felt immensely bitter when my two friends were kept in middle of those cops and torturing with pushing, pulling and harsh words. Our act must be unlawful, and I know the innocent of law has no excuse, but every human being have their fundamental rights. I need not have to mention the due process of law, fair trial and investigations of police because these cops did not intent to be abide by the laws and I can proudly note that they had clear intention to confiscate our drinks for their own consumptions. We had no intention of violating the laws by carrying our drinks from Delhi to Utter Pradesh but it was our personal consumption. At times, I found myself inconsolable with those people and especially with our driver but I still gave a second thought that we are in India. It was unfortunate to mention, may be by 8:30PM, our taxi was suddenly stopped by some polices with their sticks in their hands and took out our drinks that we were carrying for our celebration in Meerut. I was surprised when only two of my friends were interrogated thoroughly and we were not allowed to speak a word. However, after an hour or more of interrogations, my friends were released but our drinks worth of Nu. 8000/- had been confiscated by police.

However, we reached in Meerut by 11:00PM, and our friends were so kind enough that they were passionately waiting for us with sweet words of consoles and tea with biscuits followed by delicious welcome dinner which I felt so warmth from my inner heart for their especial treatment as they took us for walks around the premises for fresh air though my mind was poisoned and polluted by those cops on the way.

It was on 21st September, he real Thrue-baap begins from 6:00 AM with special Thukpa served at their best in one of our friend’s house where we had an opportunity to meet with many new friends and I recognized most of my friends from Delhi were curious to introduce each other but still we began ourselves interacting among the new friends. We enjoyed playing khuru, though we lost our match. Right after the lunch there was a football tournament, which indeed is my best game made me sick for some times as I was playing football after a yearlong break.

Above all, the most interesting part of the event for me was the interaction session and cultural show performed by beautiful young budding dancers and other singers. The group dances were one of the most interesting part of the event because I felt as if we were in Bhutan celebrating the Thrue-baap with our close relatives. I would like to conclude my short note herewith my heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to President, Vice President and all members of Bhutan Students Association in Meerut for organizing such event and wonderful hospitality for my team from Delhi.
Tashi Delek!