Saturday 9 February 2013

Busy for their Own Survival

Some people are going to office with luxurious life, some are busy farming in the agriculture farms, some are going to schools from primary to university levels, some are running the businesses from pan shop to shopping malls, some are working with deadly weapons, some developed the habit of killing animals, some are begging in the street, some face the trials of criminal and civil in the courts, some are enjoying with their loving partners, some are departing and some are meeting. What’s a life all about? What really made us to do all these? The questions have been answered by many writers but every time, answers are very simple that people are busy for their survival.  

My answer would be different from this, I would say that every human being is born equally and every human being has equal opportunity. But different level of human beings defers from ones immatureness of their mind and matured mind to set target for their lives. This is the realization to lead happy and standard living but it depends on one’s own mind concept. We should not feel attached to those of luxurious life because one day we have to leave all luxurious things when we face the death. Similarly, we should not feel bad with baggers in the street rather we should feel sympathy to them. And we should not feel ourselves unfortunate because there are thousand people who are suffering in the world and we should not feel ourselves superior because there are thousand people who are better than us.  

Everyone wants happiness but most of the human beings failed to identify the root cause of happiness and left in this busiest world with so many thoughts for their livings. They want to enjoy the happiness through ignorance, attachment and aversion; ignorance is equivalent to the identification of a self as being separate from everything else. It consists of the belief that there is an "I" that is not part of anything else. On this basis we think, "I am one and unique. Based on this misapprehension of the status of “I”, we are drawn into afflictive desire and hatred not knowing the real nature of phenomena. We are driven to generate desire for what we like and hatred for what we do not like. Therefore, this leads to sufferings, anxiety and dissatisfactions in our life. In the way, we are not able to accumulate the real happiness but left being busy all the time for our own survival in this world.    

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