Wednesday 27 February 2013

Being Happy in the Modern World

The great Vajrayana Master, Guru Rinpoche said, “time does not change, but the mind concept of human beings change with the passage of time”. It is true that in this modern world human beings are always attracted by worldly materials that are created by desirable human conduct with development of scientific knowledge and research. I am pessimistic on this part, because our ultimate goal of attaining the pure bliss of happiness is not from the enjoyment of impermanent phenomenal created by materialistic human beings. This will eventually lead us to the worse situations resulting to miserable condition in our life and beyond that. There will be always happy and peace in our mind and around us, if we know the source of the ultimate happiness by virtue of being good human being. The good human being is not behaving good to other persons alone, but good human being knows, how to tackle once own life in the difficult times, one should know the concept of middle path. This includes about the balancing of our life with moral values, social duties, religious perspectives and legality in our day to day life.

When I talk on balancing of our life through moral responsibilities, it is only achieved through being taken care with existing natural science and obedient to natural rules that are not prescribed in any documents. But it does not mean there aren’t rules existed, one should obey the rules though it is un-codified in nature and it is duty bound to human beings to uphold the natural existence of this law for the purpose of attaining the happiness. The system of knowing the values and moral principles are concerning between good and bad behavior, right and wrong in the human conduct is defined in English Oxford Dictionary, (2011) 12th edition, Oxford University Press. So, through the correction of moral attitude by means of being morally responsible person in the society is one of major source for happiness.

It is evident from some of the developed countries in Europe and Middle East that they agreed upon the moral values respect the moral responsibilities but not able to settle socially while it ultimately results into chaos in the society some times. The codified laws, un-codified laws, rules and regulations and other means of governing the human conduct in the country has to be socially accepted and uphold by moral responsible will contribute to the ultimate source of happiness. It is important to note that the society is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community which brings considerations of usage and custom of the community to balance these norms to achieve happiness. 

The religious concept of attaining happiness is very complex with different perceptions in   different religions of the world. In this world the great scientists have discovered particles of atom and even launched rockets in the moon and other planets, but they could not discover the human being’s mind, and this was discovered only by Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha said, “Commit not a single unwholesome action, cultivate the wealth of virtue, tame once own mind. This is the ultimate teachings of Buddha”. Thus, it has the fundamental background above all for the taming of our mind and is very important of all in order to achieve happiness in this life. Buddha’s teachings are all about the enlightenment of beings by elimination of earthly desires and of the idea of the self. The materialistic mind develops when strong perception of “I” increases, than followed by mine and it leads to distractions to our mind and there wouldn’t be happiness. If a person can’t create happiness to one self, then it is impossible to create happiness of this world. In the ultimate source of Boddhichita, every sentient being has an equal right to happiness and one should think in broader sense beyond human existence in the world.
In the geometrical advance in science, technology and industry have brought many changes in the modern world, no matter the size of the country, can afford to lead and isolated life. The development of international and national legal systems extended from the preservation of peace to regulate the various activities in and around the world, like space expeditions, ocean floor explorations, protection of human rights, global environment and management of financial system and etc. This is indeed the legal approach through law and order to implement and uphold moral happiness, social happiness, cultural happiness and etc. to every society in the world.  

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