Wednesday 7 November 2012

PAGAL KAUN? WHO IS MAD?.....the play

Shakespeare said, “this world is a stage, we human beings are actors and actresses on the stage, we play our role and vanished.” It has the meaning of fundamental way of expressions through theatre play and correlates between outer world and human existence. From the times immemorial, we the human beings have explored different ways to express ourselves. This exploration has lead to various forms of creativities and drama is one of human creativity finds its expressions.

On 6th November, 2012, Legal Aid Society of Campus Law Centre has presented a short play called Pagal Kaun. The stage setting was beautifully arranged with music and lightings which sooths the scenarios of the play. The development of scenes and actions matches with the theme of the play but language in the play was not satisfactory as far as I am concerned. Still the atmosphere to create different emotions by the actors on comedy had attracted the large audience in the auditorium.      
The play portrays the mentally challenged boy called Amu, where his life was ruined by society, his family, the asylum authority, media and others. The story is narrated while Amu on the way from his home to asylum authority but the questions we have to keep in our mind is who actually is mad? Because no one has bothered about Amu, the people have forgotten the meaning of humanity, care and love for fellow citizens. But everybody is towards money, success and power.
It was helpless with Amu due to commercialization of media, corruptions in the country, and complexities of legal system were shown as a core factors in failing to help this challenged boy. The last calls in the play was mental illness law needs to be strengthened and society needs to come together in bringing about the change in this world by development of human value through various means.

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