Monday 29 October 2012

Its Full Moon Day but Regrets with Rigshaw Puller….

The golden sun left for worldly rest towards the south and beautiful full moon arise from the east to substitute in this world to give life for physical atmosphere to those who live in this world. This is the day when I realized, the full moon day (Tse Cho-Nga), the especial day in Buddhist calendar. Buddhist people, accumulate virtue by accomplishing good things with every sentient being on this day. And at the same time, if we commit non-virtual actions there is believe that we accumulate more sins on this day. But as far as I am concerned, I accumulate lots of sins through physical gesture and by words with my family and friends. Yet I have not accumulated any virtual actions on this day.

It is true when heart is full the words are limited, but for me this has negative impact because on this special day; “I have hurt you through words and other means”. Therefore, I beg you sorry in the name of Khenchosum, and I would remain better human being in future. This incident was happened when I was coming home after my college hours. I took a Rigshaw from nearby my college till my house which the Rigshaw puller made me annoyed when I replyed for his questions on hiring charges.

Later on the way, I realized about the living standard of those Rigshaw Pullers and their life styles. I came to know their life style with full of hardships and sufferings because just nearby my house along the roads the Rigshaw pullers used to live without food and shelter. In Bhutan, I heard about poverty and hungers in the world but never seen with my necked eyes living with hungers in my country.

It was really painful to learn about those Rigshaw pullers life style, they have come leaving their love ones back at home and they sleep along the road side without any shelters, be it in winter or summer for earning of may be Rs. 50 per day. From early in the morning, without having a cup of tea they start waiting for their riders. They suffer under the heat of the sun with sweat all over the body. This is what I see physically but who know mentally how much they suffer. Simultaneously they suffer in cold without having warm cloth to wear and no proper place to sleep, they sleep hanging on Rigshaws. Along the road side, I saw these Rigshaw pullers eating single meal for the day with piece of bread with potato.

 It is my promise on this especial day, I would at least limit on hurting others by any means because it’s really painful when we see the reality of their life.

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