Saturday 20 October 2012

My first day on Blog

It was on Saturday, 20th October 2012, around 8:30 PM, when I picked up to create a simple blog page of mine to keep myself updated on daily issues relating to social, political, legal and other emerging issues around the world.

This blog page is created for the academic discussions among my friends and scholors around the world to create forums on legal matters, like legal reforms and legal developments in and around the world. The other reasons to create this blog page is to benefit myself through learning by writing on this page on different issues. Because when we write something on the page, we develop writing skills, and when we read something, we develop reading skills. This is the advantage of being law students because mere book knowledge is not sufficient.

In this world, the modernization effect on human being with various forms of technologies is an encouraging moment for us to take an advantage, because we can learn, share our thoughts, copy others ways, and keep everything on finger tips through blog page like this.

This is my first time on this page and I would like to write something about myself because you may not know who I am and where I am from. My name is Kinley Tshering, a simple civil servant, working under Office of the Attorney General, Thimphu. I did my graduation in BA Language and Culture from Institute of language and Culture Studies, Simtokha, under Royal University of Bhutan. After that, I went for Postgraduate Diploma in National Law (PGDNL) from Royal Institute of Management, Thimhpu, in year 2009. Currently I am pursuing Bachelor of Law (LLB) in Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, under University of Delhi.

Most probably, I would like to write on legal and religious issues, but you may find mistakes which I would like to apologies from the begin itself. As you know human beings are bound to make mistake and it is the nature of human conduct to commit mistake.     


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