Monday 10 December 2012

In the Realm of Western Paradise in this Country

One of the great Buddhist master have said, “the copper color mountain or Zangdopelri is within the country while mountains around the country side covered with beautiful snow, while spring water from the mountains fall with its sweet voice and budding flowers in the valley blooms with smiling face where all kinds of species are found with natural gifts.” The beauty of our country is not only with natural gifts of all kinds but apart from this, we the people of Bhutan are blessed by great noble leaders.

Our, His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck is a keen and passionate artist and photographer with loving heart to every citizen. His Majesty likes to travel around the country to learn from different cultures, customs and to know the various problems of different sections of the people in far flung of the remote villages. The people of Bhutan, be it from small children to old age have deep respect and admirations for his compassionate, loving, caring and humbleness shown towards his people. Thus the people enjoy the fruits of harmony and peace in the country like in realm of Western Paradise.                                                               

Apart from this, one of the unique culture in our country is the Dratshang Lhentshog, lead by His Holiness the Jekhenpo, the Chief Abbot of Bhutan, whereby Buddhist teachings are uphold with all affords from fellow great masters, monks and nuns in the country. His Holiness conducted blessings and oral transmissions teachings in every Dzongkhags and conducted world peace prayers in most of the places. With the blessing from His Holiness the Jekhenpo, all people in the country are free from all struggles, violence, dangerous diseases and war.  The country is blessed with harmony and peace like realm of Western Paradise.

The natural gifts of realms may continue to existed in my country with guiding principle of Gross National Happiness and this principle may flourished all over the world for peace and harmony like in my country.